Pinoy Chocophile
a Pinoy search for that divine chocolate... Chocolate Blogging. More fun in the Philippines!
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Invited to the Bloggys 2015 Gala Night
Monday, August 31, 2015
By invitation only: Chef Lawrence Cheong Jun Bo Chocolate Demo
Saw the post on my timeline from the Blogapalooza Bloggers FB group with the invite:
We will be sending invites to a select group of bloggers for an intimate chocolate tasting and demonstration of a World Champion Master Chef. Please send your email address via pm or post it here in this thread. Thank you!
An opportunity to revive this blog again. I hope I get invited to the event.
The profile of the celebrated chocolatier Chef Lawrence Cheong Jun Bo was taken from the internet.
Lawrence Cheong Jun Bo
Assistant Pastry Chef
Impiana hotel Kuala Lumpur
Working Experience
One World Hotel 2007-2010 Commis
Renaissance Kuala Lumpur 2010 Commis 1
Hotel Maya kuala Lumpur 2010-2012 Chef De Partie
Awards / Achievements
FHM 2009- Diploma Plated Dessert
FHM 2010- Silver Medal Malaysia pastry Cup
FHM 2010- Gold Medal Freestyle Confectionary
FHA 2012- Gold Medal Chocolate Showpiece
FHA 2012- Gold Medal Dress the Cake
Profile Story
Lawrence Cheong Jun Bo, 27 years old, currently working at Impiana hotel KLCC as an assistant pastry chef.
Lawrence decided to join pastry line as his major career after he graduated from secondary school, his mom has sent him to Taiwan to study – Food science and technology & Bakery – for 2 years by himself. Unfortunately food science is a course which need very strong knowledge in science, and Lawrence has totally zero knowledge, so he force to focus in bakery, from there he slowly became attracted in bakery and pastry. And now his target is to combine pastries and art into wonderful pieces to serve on the table.
For him, pastry is an art form in making food. Many unique design and taste could be created, it has an unlimited possibilities. And pastries always makes people feel warm, sweet and remember what they eat. No matter you yourself made it or made by others, it is truly an enjoying and satisfying experience.
Lawrence has started his first step at One World Hotel since April 2007 as a 3rd commis led by the First Chef Law Chii Ngien and 2nd Chef Joas Kam. With a very good opportunity and freedom given by chef Joas, Lawrence got for himself a very comfort space to have his experiment and tries with his best partner named Chong Ko Wai in the hotel.
Then he got promoted as a 2nd commis just on his 3rd year. As an upcoming talent he was recommended by a demi Chef Tan Wei Loon to join the Renaissance Kuala Lumpur as a 1st commis led by chef Niklesh Sharma, for 8th months hew was well mentored by chef Niklesh and then got a new recommendation by demi chef Kevin to join Maya Hotel in December 2010 as a Chef De Partie and trained by Chef Teh Chee Fook. After 20 months he has been offered by Chef Joseph from Impiana KLCC to be a Assistant Pastry up to this time.
With these 5 years experience, Lawrence was awarded Diploma in – Plated Desserts- in Food and Hotel Malaysia 2009, coming next would be Sliver Medal – Live Chocolate Showpieces and Dessert Challenge- and Gold Medal awarded in – Freestyle confectionery- in Food and Hotel Malaysia 2011, the Gold medal – Chocolate Showpieces- and another Gold medal – Live Cake dressing in Food and Hotel Asia in Singapore 2012. From these competitions Lawrence has found out his strength is in making art work presentation especially in display showpieces.
The hardest part in pastry life definitely would be the competitions trial run period, from that moment it needs a very big focus in every single part of the trials before the real competition. No room to fail in working especially when facing heavy functions during preparations of competitions. The responsibilities of such career is tremendous.
There is a chef who influenced me the most in pastry line, and he is Chef Chong Ko Wai my best partner ever in this line, without his passionate sharing of his knowledge and skills I won't be able to grow so fast. In my view, to be a successful chef besides having a good leader chef is to have a great guide, as well as the most important is to have a very good partner to grow together, and Iam lucky cause I have few of them.
If I could be someone else in the world, I will still choose to be a pastry chef, I believe people outside there wouldn’t know how much fun and how challenging it is to be a chef pastry, unless they have to try.
In my view, to become a successful pastry chef, one must be able to have deep passion in pastry and full passion to go through every single stage, “no pain, no gain “ is definitely the best word of advice.
In my future plan, I wish I could have my own very unique pastry shop that people haven’t seen before in Malaysia. A brand new concept designed pastry shop which is full of new modern pastries
and art pieces in it.
UPDATE 8 September 2015
I was not lucky to be invited to the event. Sharing a blog post from one of the lucky ones who got invited to the event -
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Call to Action to Save Heirloom Cacao
November 21, 2014 |
Fine Chocolate Industry Association Issues a Call to Action to Save Heirloom CacaoIs Frankenstein Chocolate Our Future?
| |
CORRECTION: Thanks to some of our dedicated and eagle-eyed friends and members for catching our mistake in the media release we sent out earlier today. We referred to "genetically modified" cacao when we should have said "hybrid" cacao. We've corrected our release and ask that you give it a second read so the main message of FCIA's Heirloom Cacao Preservation efforts comes through loud and clear. Please know that we're dedicated to providing accurate information about our fine chocolate industry.
NEW YORK, Nov. 21, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Recently, Bloomberg issued a report sounding the alarm on the dangerous state of chocolate globally. Drought, disease, and deterioration of cacao growth around the world is indeed an issue worth paying attention to especially given the exponential rise of chocolate consumption particularly in emerging markets. The report cited the progress made in hybrid cacao which is one solution many of the larger manufacturers of chocolate are pursuing. The piece made it seem as though the future of chocolate is one that is scientifically engineered with little to no focus on flavor, a nightmare to any chocolate lover who values the varied and rich flavors that varieties of chocolate from around the world produce.
Hybrid cacao is not our only option in the fight against global degradation of cacao. Numerous specialty chocolate manufacturers and chocolatiers whose livelihood depends on fine-flavored cocoa have come together to work with local farmers on every continent to preserve heirloom cacao. Known as the Fine Chocolate Industry Association they are spearheading the Heirloom Cacao Preservation (HCP) Initiative which is a joint effort with the USDA/ARS. The HCP begins by identifying and testing the finest flavored cacao which becomes the most flavorful chocolate in the world. Once identified, they are mapped and targeted for natural reproduction. Cocoas designated fine-flavored means more money to the individual farmers to ideally dissuade them from planting hybridcacao trees. By recognizing and rewarding the growers who cultivate this precious dwindling resource we can preserve and propagate heirloom cacao for future generations.
Fine Chocolate Industry Association go to http://www.
Contact: Karen Bryant, FCIA, 206.577.9983 or
SOURCE Fine Chocolate Industry Association
RELATED LINKS http://www.
FCIA thanks Guittard for assistance in creating and disseminating this media release.
Friday, July 4, 2014
July 7 is Chocolate Day - Chocolate Infographics
Food Science - Link source -
Infographic: What science says about chocolate
To celebrate Chocolate Day July 7, here are six things that may surprise you about chocolate
By members of the Elsevier community | Posted on 1 July 2014
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Chocoholics have always argued that chocolate is good for the soul and psyche. Studies in Elsevier's scientific journals show that it can also be good for a lot of other things including our libido, blood pressure and coughs. It may even help prevent wrinkles.
In honor of Chocolate Day on Monday, July 7, Elsevier colleagues have prepared this infographic, followed by a list of "six things science says about chocolate."
Of course, many chocolate treats are laden with sugar and fats, so before you indulge, you may want to check out the actual studies here. (No science we could find justifies eating a steady diet of bonbons or downing a half liter tub of chocolate ice cream at one sitting.)
But in moderation ... bon appetite!

Saturday, May 3, 2014
Fabros Farm: More than just a cacao farm, but a cacao forest
If Fabros Farm accomplishes their goal of planting more than 50 hectares of their forests with cacao, then it would become one if not the biggest cacao farm in Northern Luzon.
My introduction to the Fabros Farm is by way of a blog post - My own Bean-to-Bar chocolate making experience. Mr. Ansel Fabros, a medtech in Canada got to read my blog and that started our exchange about cacao and chocolate.
He was also instrumental for the first cacao seminar I attended that was offered for free by SOAP. There I met with his brothers Arnold and Ariel and some of their farm technicians. They brought and gave me several cacao pods (they call native variety) that I am now growing as seedlings.
He agreed on my request to visit their farm. So past midnite, on a Holy Thursday (April 17, 2014) , with bus terminal jam packed with people, I joined the chaos of an hour-long queue of commuters wanting to get a ride. Lucky enough to get a seat to Cabanatuan and then a van ride to Aurora, I arrived safe for the first time in the province.
I was received at the public market and was brought to the nursery of the Fabros Farm. I was told that there are around 50,000 seedlings ready to be transferred to the site. Most of the seedlings were grafted. And that they have a 70% success rate of survival for their grafted seedlings. The grafted seedlings appear to be healthy, although some of the leaves shows sign of being eaten by insects. The farm uses insecticides to keep away insects from harming the seedlings. In some parts, the nursery is a bit grassy, almost serving as shade to the seedlings.
Cacao is endemic in the locality of Maria Aurora. In the neighborhood of Brgy. Diaat alone, cacao trees are grown in backyards. I was even shown of one resilient and abundantly fruiting cacao that is precariously thriving on a rocky ground on one end of the bridge just on top of its abutment. The tree appears like dangling on a cliff above the rushing water. In other locations close by the river are some tall cacao trees that are intercropped with coconut and other trees. The trees are more than five years old and showing some of the common cacao diseases.
Fabros Farm manages two separate locations for their cacao farm. One of the locations is called Agtedtedted more than 20 hectares and the other area is called Mumunsi, bigger area and several locations of more than 30 hectares. Both are forest areas that used to be logging sites where remnants of cut trunks of huge and giant trees are on a state of decay. And the road system for 6x6 trucks remain passable.
Agtedteded is the pioneer farm. The location is about two kilometers away from the residential areas. Going to the area one has to traverse the long and winding river system. Given also the condition of the bumpy roads, the seedlings from the nursery are allowed to recover for a week after they get transported to their new location. After more than six months, almost half of the cleared area are now replanted with cacao seedlings and other intercrops. The distance they implement is 3.5m x 3.5m for coconut and cacao intercrop and 3m x 3m for cacao to cacao. The location has a spring that serves as a source of potable water for drinking and farm use.
Several farmers are tending the farm doing different farm duties. Some are clearing the farm for planting. Others are making charcoals from the fallen trees. Others do the spraying of a cocktail of foliar, fungicide, and insecticide. Spraying is one of the most challenging tasks given the hills get steep. Additional workers are being considered so as to cover spraying the wide expanse of the area.
Corn is used as shade and intercropped with cacao. Other vegetables are grown as well to serve as source of food for farmers who prefer to stay in the farm for the whole duration of the weekdays. Fruit trees and other trees (madre de kakaw) are also planted to serve as wind breakers.
Meanwhile the Mumunsi is the second location for the cacao which is more expanse. In an adjacent area are some old coffee trees which will be rehabilitated and soon planted with new coffee trees. Plots of coffee seedlings are also maintained in that location. There's a small cottage being built on top of the farm. And just below it is a swimming pool size pond to raise fresh water fishes as future source of food for farmers. Water source is from a spring. An almost kilometer length of water pipe was laid out from the spring to the cottage.
There are lots of work that still needs to be done in the area. Much of the cutting of trees and clearing are still on-going, although in the cleared area close by the cottage it is already planted with cacao seedlings. Transport of the cacao seedlings are being scheduled since the river gets swollen during rainy days and the rainy months is soon to come. Since the location is surrounded by forests, it gets cool in the late afternoon and sometimes showers at night.
Mr. Ansel Fabros is well aware of the challenges and concerns that they are faced with. But since he has invested most of his savings and support from angel investors, there's no more turning back. Fabros Farm continues to invest in training their farm technicians. They are scheduled this summer for a 2-week cacao farming immersion with Mr. Peter Cruz in Davao.
So what was the inspiration for setting up the farm? Below is a quote from Mr. Fabros:
When I went home in 2012, I saw many folks are jobless and just hanging around in our barangay (village). Also, I felt like that some of the amount we give as investment for the family business back home are going nowhere. Some of our properties remain idle so I started reading about High Value Crops and cacao got my attention. I did research on the internet and communicated with some cacao players. And was frustrated BIG TIME with government's lack of reply to my queries.
When I consulted a friend about cacao growing and believes in the profitability of the project, that's when Fabros Farm started. I have high hopes about this project. It is a very ambitious and daring and I credit my brothers effort. They are all absorbing the stress and pressure from me. I hope someday, it will not only my family that will benefit but the rest of the folks in our barangay. When the cacaos are fruiting and we have added income, it is my plan to do "contract growing, intercropped with coconut" with or without government assistance.Fabros Farm's pioneering spirit and noble goal of providing livelihood to the people of their barangay is laudable. Despite the many challenges and their lack of experience, the family enterprise make up for it with their collective effort and enthusiasm to see to it that their venture succeed. With its humongous size Fabros Farm is not just a cacao farm but a cacao forest full of potentials.

Sunday, April 27, 2014
Guide to Chocolate by MyChocolate
Thank you Mr. Edwards, Maraming salamat po, for the offer to feature your infographics. Below is an excerpt of his letter to me:
Good Morning,
My name is James Edwards and I work with MyChocolate; a specialist provider of chocolate making workshops in London.
I’m excited to tell you about a fun infographic we’ve just created which acts as a ‘Guide to Chocolate’! It’s packed with interesting facts and statistics all about the history of this delightful food, the varied characteristics of the cocoa bean and the lesser known health benefits it holds.
My name is James Edwards and I work with MyChocolate; a specialist provider of chocolate making workshops in London.
I’m excited to tell you about a fun infographic we’ve just created which acts as a ‘Guide to Chocolate’! It’s packed with interesting facts and statistics all about the history of this delightful food, the varied characteristics of the cocoa bean and the lesser known health benefits it holds.
Given the nature of your site, I thought that your readership would really like to have a look at it as well, so I’m offering it to you to use totally free of charge.
Many thanks for your time.
Kind regards,

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