
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Online Course on Cacao Production

I found this online and sharing it here for all those interested to know more about cacao production, growing or farming. I hope that this kind of training gets translated in the different Philippine languages to benefit more people especially cacao farmers.

The production of good quality cacao beans starts with the right variety or clones. It is then assured with the adoption of appropriate tree culture and farm practices, harvesting, fermentation and drying. It requires conscious effort on the part of the farmers to ensure that cacao beans meet the standard of quality required in the market.
While this concern addresses the economic and well being of a cacao farmer, he should also be responsible in assuring the well being of the future cacao farmers. The farmer’s endeavor must, therefore, be hinged on the concept of sustainability and environmental accountability.

The farmer’s effort necessitates continued support primarily in terms of technology and market updates. The availability, accessibility and timeliness of such information obtained at least cost, are major enabling factors to farmers to arrive at sound farm decisions. This context emphasizes the significant role of the extension agents and the farmer-leaders as links between farmers and technology sources, as well as between farmers and the market. Thus, the extension capabilities of the extension agents and the farmer-leaders should be enhanced to help the cacao farmers maintain a steady source of income and be at the mainstream of the cacao industry.

This eLearning module shall be a friendly guide on the verified technologies and practices on cacao production that could share when they conduct training to farmers. It contains basic steps, methodologies, practices and considerations in growing cacao based on technologies from both private and public research institutions.

If this is your first experience of an eLearning program, click here to get started and learn how to navigate through the program, find out what different icons mean and know how to get support. Make sure you also familiarize yourself with this program before starting.

Otherwise, if you are ready to begin the Cacao Production program, click the topics below for the lesson links:

Establishment of Budwood Garden or Scion Grove

Establishment and Management of Cacao Nursery

Propagation of Planting Materials

Field Planting


Plant Nutrition

Making Compost Using Pod Husks

Management of Common Cacao Pests and Diseases

Harvesting and Post Harvest Operations

Standard Quality Specification


Rehabilitation of Cacao Trees

Module Quiz

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